
Zyrrixxy's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 867 (From 168 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 14,040 Points

Tchaqui Nouris World

Medals Earned: 2/2 (10/10 points)

Don Ramon's Honor 5 Points

You've found Don Ramon!

The Power of Grayskull 5 Points

You have the power!

Tesla: War Of Currents

Medals Earned: 16/16 (330/330 points)

First Aid 5 Points

Use repair skill 15 times

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 enemy

Great Looter 5 Points

Explode 10 boxes

Magnet 5 Points

Collect 20 skill-cards

Super Arsenal 5 Points

Max out squad to 6 units

Who's the strongest? 5 Points

Upgrade a unit to max level

Bag of happiness 10 Points

Earn $10000

Destroyer 10 Points

Kill 100 enemy towers

Great Leader 10 Points

Purchase 25 towers

Heavy Weapon 10 Points

Kill 20 enemies with the Tunguska power skill

Overvoltage 10 Points

Stun 4 enemies at the same time

Aliens? 25 Points

Unlock the 1st secret unit

Who wants a bonfire? 25 Points

Unlock the 2nd secret unit

Domination 50 Points

Kill the boss

Madman 50 Points

Complete the final level without using pause tactic mode

Master 100 Points

Collect all 45 stars

The Abusive Review Quiz

Medals Earned: 5/9 (55/355 points)

Garbage 5 Points

Terrible Game

Normal 5 Points

Bad Game

Bronze 10 Points

Good Game

Silver 25 Points

Nice Game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Gold 50 Points

Great Game

Deity 100 Points

Perfect Game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Clockwork King

Medals Earned: 3/7 (60/360 points)

Easy Does It 10 Points

Go from the first checkpoint to rescuing Lynne in the easy difficulty

Happy Medium 25 Points

Go from the first checkpoint to rescuing Lynne in the medium difficulty

The End? 25 Points

Reach the end of the game... Or is it?

100% Monitored 50 Points

Activate all the 20 monitors in the game

Not Hard Enough 50 Points

Go from the first checkpoint to rescuing Lynne in the hard difficulty

Clockwork Heart Breaker 100 Points

Break Lynne's heart

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Forgotten Dungeon

Medals Earned: 2/5 (10/95 points)

Hidden Treasures 5 Points

Open 10 Chests

Scavenger 5 Points

Pick Up 20 Objects

Dark Dungeoneer 10 Points

Reach Character Level 6

Dungeon Cleanser 25 Points

Kill 4 Bosses

Monster Killer 50 Points

Kill 1000 Monsters

The Hardest Pokémon Quiz Ever

Medals Earned: 5/9 (75/240 points)

Meh 5 Points

Try again! Next time you'll do better!

10+ 10 Points

You got 10 or more right! Good job!

20+ 25 Points

You got 20 or more right! You must be a fan!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Were you even trying? 5 Points

You gotta do better than that!

15+ 10 Points

You got at least half right! You sure know something.

25+ 50 Points

You got 25 or more right! You're a Pokémon Expert!

Perfect 100 Points

No questions were answered wrong. You're a Pokémon Master!

The Interview Codex

Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/140 points)

Knowledge Peeker 5 Points

Visit the codex for the first time.

DEAD! 5 Points

there all dead

EDD's 5 Points


Hans off! 5 Points

Can't touch this.

HE WOBBLES... 5 Points

but he doesn't fall down

KFC 5 Points

who you call'n chicken?

Knowledge Creeper 5 Points

Visit the codex 10 times.

Knowledge Seeker 5 Points

Visit the codex 50 times.

Mariachi Mang 5 Points

¿Dónde está mi cerveza

only $5 each 5 Points

there you go... good bye!

orsppA 5 Points


Paradox 5 Points

Who will interview the interviewmen?


The shade man has locked me in his basment, i am a 16 year old girl. The shade man wips me all day, send help, call the cops... I can get free. My balls are really sore. He is sick. I don't know how much longer I can go on.

Psycho? 5 Points


Secret pixel hand shake. 5 Points


Sexual Decapoda 5 Points


Supa Sumba Pawdy. 5 Points

Cake and apple pie.

The bees Justin... 5 Points

Why wount me baby drink his milk Justin?

This is madness! 5 Points

Yes it is.

to mod, or not to mod? 5 Points

that is the ummmm somthing...



YEAH... 5 Points

I'm almost done.

FUL of P 10 Points


Knowledge Keeper 10 Points

Visit the codex 100 times.


He will always be to me...

The Towers of Annoy

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)

Bronze Battlement 5 Points

Just get a score i.e. anything more than zero.

Silver Sanctum 10 Points

Get a score worthy of a silver medal.

Golden Tower 25 Points

Get a score worthy of a gold medal.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Ventures Fulp

Medals Earned: 6/8 (40/90 points)

3 Beer Queer 5 Points


Fishy Car Ride 5 Points


Super Fulp Bros. 5 Points


The Mexican 5 Points

The genie of the booze bottle.

SORRY JEFF 10 Points

I stole these icons from him :(

Super Dildo Party 10 Points


Skull Fcuk! 25 Points

There is a hidden power...

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

To the surface

Medals Earned: 3/5 (45/195 points)

A medal for this?! 10 Points

Use the edge of the window to move to the other side

Thank you fishies 10 Points

get a score of 5000

Aiming high 25 Points

earn 20000 points

I can almost see the sun 50 Points

earn a score of 40000

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!